If you need any help with the service provided by the dentist or any staff members at our practice, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our complaints system aligns with national standards.
How to complain:
We encourage addressing most problems promptly, preferably at the time they occur and with the relevant individual. If a resolution has not been achieved this way and you need to file a complaint, kindly notify us as soon as possible.
Complaints should be submitted in writing to our Business Manager, Emma Fortescue, at 73 Ragpath Lane, Roseworth, Stockton on Tees, TS19 9JW
What to expect:
Upon receipt, we will acknowledge your complaint within three working days and provide an explanation thereafter. Our investigation will aim to:
Representing others in complaints:
We uphold strict confidentiality standards. If complaining on behalf of another individual, we require permission, unless they are unable to provide it due to physical or mental incapacity.
If you remain dissatisfied:
We encourage utilising our practice's complaint procedure for the best chance of resolution and practice improvement. Additionally, you may seek guidance from:
Dental Complaints Service
37 Wimpole Street
Legal obligations:
We adhere to anti-discrimination legislation, including:
By adopting this policy, we commit to ensuring fairness and equality for all patients and staff.